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Food Cravings?

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

Here are some options to choose a healthier choice and still satisfy your cravings.

Craving these? Reach for these instead!

Potato chips and salty snacks Raw veggies and hummus, homemade popcorn,

baked chickpeas, tortilla chips and salsa, peanuts +

sunflower seeds in the shell, handful of mixed nuts,

edamame sprinkled with salt, kale chips or other

vegetable chips, pumpkin seed butter on celery or

sliced apple, Corn Thins and peanut butter (or other

toppings), hard boiled egg with a sprinkle of

pepper/salt or other spice, canned sardines / oysters

or herring, 2% MF cottage cheese with assorted chopped - chives / green onions, radishes, bell

peppers, Persian cucumber, tomatoes or sprinkle of

pistachios or dried nori

Soft drinks or diet pop, Limit sugar and caffeine in drinks - Sparkling water

fruit juice, ice-tea, lemonade + splash juice or bitters, fruit infused or lemon water,

and alcohol iced-decaf coffee, unsweetened coconut water (can

still be high in sugar), unsweetened kombucha,

Coffee and black tea De-caf coffee/tea (latte), chicory coffee, matcha tea,

herbal teas (peppermint + ginger tea), infused

rooibos tea (chocolate my favorite), golden


Sweets and candy Cut-up fruit (nature's candy) +/- yogurt dip, juicy

watermelon, easy to peel clementine, unsweetened

applesauce or fruit cup, healthy smoothie, baked

apples/pears, chocolate dip banana bites (freeze),

frozen blueberries or grapes, a piece of chocolate,

fresh or dried fig / date with goat cheese, plain instant

oatmeal and a few dried cranberries, raisins, chocolate

chips or a drizzle of honey / maple syrup, chocolatey

Greek yogurt (add a teaspoon of cocoa powder & top

with few chocolate chips, sprinkle of coconut or sweet

berries), a flavoured Roobois tea (chocolate is my

creaminess, homemade hot chocolate (cocoa powder

creaminess, homemade hot chocolate (cocoa powder

Mexican chocolate and add a sprinkle of cinnamon &

chili powder

Actually Health (healthier)




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